The forbidden wedding of Guzman and Iparraguirre

File photo of Shining Path guerrilla leader Guzman and Yparraguirre at a high security naval prison in Callao

They used to fight for the revolution… Now they fight for their wedding! Abimael Guzman and Elena Iparraguirre could begin a hunger-strike because the Peruvian authorities refuse them to marry. They were two of the most searches revolutionaries in the world before they were arrested together in 1992. Abimael Guzman founded the Shining Path that terrorized Peru during three decades. The sectarian movement unleashed an endless violence against peasants, trade union organizers and officials. It also developed criminal activities. During their trial, Guzman and Iparraguirre were convicted of ordering massacres.

The charismatic leader who led the revolution from his luxurious villa was sentenced to life imprisonment. So was Elena Iparraguirre. Guzman, 75, and Iparraguirre, 60, renounced the armed struggle and broke with the guerrillerros who are still struggling in some parts of the country. They recognized that the popular war had ended in Peru. They have been separated since 2006 and now they claim the right to marry and to have visits. Such a weird evolution.

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