Monthly Archives: May 2010

Mockus won the Internet campaign

The official Website of Antanas Mockus

The official Website of Antanas Mockus

Colombia 2010 is probably the first massive Internet presidential campaign in Latin America and one of the most significant examples in the world of how Internet has changed politics. A few days before the election, the positions have been completely changed in comparison with what it was at the beginning of the presidential campaign. And Internet has played a major role. The last few days have seen the irresistible rise of Antanas Mockus, who seemed to be marginal at the beginning, the long fall of well-established candidates like Noemi Sanin or German Vargas Lleras. Continue reading


Filed under Politics, Technology

Arizona dream

An undocumented immigrant is escorted at the Immigration and Customs Enforcement holding facility before being deported in Phoenix / REUTERS/Joshua Lott

In a few weeks, the Arizona police forces could arrest dozens of Latinos without any reason. How? There is no legal abuse. They even have a law to explain this. The State of Arizona adopted a law that allow the police to arrest every migrant (the Hispanics are the most targeted) who cannot show his migration document. Continue reading

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