Democracy in America…

Organization Of American States Meets On Colombia/Ecuador Dispute

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation published his annual report on democracy in Latin America. It contains the classification of different Latin American countries, established according to several criteria such as the respect for political rights, civil liberties or the quality of institutions. Conclusion of the report: “The development of a successful democratic culture remains a major challenge for many political leaders in Latin America.”

According to the report, two things threaten to destroy the pillars of democracy in the region: populism and authoritarianism. However, many differences exist. The three leading countries, Chile, Costa Rica and Uruguay have shared the top places for several years, bringing together all the ingredients of an effective democracy. On the contrary, the Foundation says the situation is worrying in Guatemala and Bolivia.

The ranking :

Chile 10,000
Costa Rica 9,696
Uruguay 9,262
Panama 7,191
Mexico 6,490
Argentina 5,852
Peru 5,587
Brazil 4,514
Colombia 4,053
Paraguay 3,860
Honduras 3,859
Nicaragua 3,795
Dominican Republic 3,677
Venezuela 3,591
El Salvador 3,490
Ecuador 3,484
Guatemala 3,284
Bolivia 2,593


Filed under Politics

5 responses to “Democracy in America…

  1. Pingback: The old guerrillero « Barrio latino

  2. nik1994

    very interesting! especially given that colombia finds themselves in the middle! :p

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